Thursday 15 November 2012

To Grow Plant to Save Our Enviroment

In our daily life we have seen many time one of the most important about environmental issues facing human kind is global environment. We all are well known about the environmental changes but we cannot think about to do so , we keep coming across the news of global warming, crackdown of the ozone layer in the place near antarctic ocean, the ozone layer save our environment from differences and harmful effective rays but they can be going to big and bigger. Nations is not going to do some thing for plants and saves the trees. We want make a group of million people for the main issues of environmental problems  and make the
happy and clean environment with right remove and shutting down polluting factories to go green campaign steps are being taken to handle the situation if we can't take this step then we will in the losses. All of that's we want before anything we can take one basic step that can do wonders to mission save earth and that's the good step and it is also our duty to save our home place but we can't think about our homeland where we live and where we eat and those plants whose provided all thing which is important for human life.

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