Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Remoal of extra water

Remoal of extra water:
We Know that obtain water from soil and is also produced in the body during cellular respiration. Plant store large amount of water in their cells for turgidity. Extra water is  removed form plant body by transpiration.
At night, transpiration usually dose not occur because most plants have their stomata closed. If there is a high water content in soil, water enters  the roots and is accumulated in xylem vessels. Some plants such
as grasses frose this water through special prose, present at leaf tips or edges, and form drops. The appearance of drops of water on the tip or edges of leaes is called guttation.

Transpiration is the loss of water from plant surface in the from of vapours.
Guttation is not to be confused with dew, Which condenses from the atmosphere onto plant surface.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Organization Of Plant Dispersal by Water:

Dispersal by Water:

The seeds of plants that grows in or near water are carried far away by water.
Lotus plants grow in the pools and ponds.
Their fruit fall in water when ripen and carried to a long distance by water currents. Lotus fruits is like a sponge and floats on the surface of water. Its seeds drops at the new places and grow into new plants. Coconut trees grow along the sea coast. Hair like fibers, present on coconut fruit, help it to float on water.
Its fruits floats long distances along tides.
When it reaches some land mass, it grows into a new plants.

Dispersal  by Animals and Men:

Men, monkeys, squirrels and birds eat juicy fruit. They take the fruit with them to distant places and throw away seeds after eating  the fruits. New plants grow from these seeds. Some fruits have hard and small seeds.

Organization Of Plant and Fertilization

We have studied in the previous class that pollen grains are formed in the stamen. Which is the male part of the flower. the pollen grain are transferred to stigma of the carpel, the female part of the flower. the process of transfer of pollen grains is called Pollination.


You might have seen that butterflies,honey bees and moths hover over flowers and fly one flower to another.Why do they do so? actually,they collect nectar(honey) from the flower. while they visit a flower, the pollen grains stick to their bodies. When they sit on another flower,pollen grains fall on the stigma of that flower (fig.1.1)
In this way pollination is carried out by insects. Birds and other animals also take parts in the pollination.
A pollen tube arises from the pollen grains. It passes through the style and reaches the overy where male reproductive cell of the pollen grains fuses with the female reproductive cell of the ovule. This process is know as fertilization.
As a result of fertilization, seed is form from the ovule and the ovary ripens into a fruit.

Dispersal of Seeds and Fruits:

When seeds and fruits have ripened, they drop from the plant. Plants needs light, water and air to live. If all seeds drops at the same place then only a few plants would be able to germinate and grow because all of them not get sufficient light, water and air. There is why the seeds are dispersed far and wide so that maximum number of new plants may be produced.

Transport system of a plants

Water and minerals from the soil are absorbed by plants roots. These are then transported upward to leaves and other parts by xylem tissues. Food (sugars) from the leaves is transported up and down by phloem tissues tubes. Xylem and phloem usually run side by side, forming vascular bundles. There is an extensive of these throughout the plants body. The midrib and the veins in a leaf of xylem phloem tubes (vascular bundle). These tubes


Halophytes live in the sea waters and are adapted to salty environments.Salts enter in the bodies of such plants due to their higher concentration in sea water. On the other hand, water tends to move out of their cells into the hyper tonic  sea water. when Salts enter into cells, plant carry out of salt in vacuoles. Salts inacuolles.salts are not allowed to move out through the move

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Planting Trees Step

We take the planting trees step it is an amazing idea from so many aspects with planting trees the environment is clean and our requirement about food is not yet less and it also provide us the main thing which is very important for our life is oxygen. Before these let’s talk about few interesting aspects of plating trees.
In our environment one of the major benefits of trees and plants are good for environment and also it is that they help in cleaning air and water. In the soil and upper level trees are excellent in absorbing the harmful pollutants including fertilizers and pesticides to remove them and runoffs. If we thing about the natural serving trees then we are amazed the trees are contribute a lot in saving money and energy. Wonder how? If we grow three trees around our house then! One will manage to save his air-conditioning bill by no less than half. Trees and the plants are very good in restoring the environment by heavily contributing in sustainable economy of the community. That's  way, they also help community life. In our daily life we can not see but trees can change many things that we never imagine.

To Grow Plant to Save Our Enviroment

In our daily life we have seen many time one of the most important about environmental issues facing human kind is global environment. We all are well known about the environmental changes but we cannot think about to do so , we keep coming across the news of global warming, crackdown of the ozone layer in the place near antarctic ocean, the ozone layer save our environment from differences and harmful effective rays but they can be going to big and bigger. Nations is not going to do some thing for plants and saves the trees. We want make a group of million people for the main issues of environmental problems  and make the

Transprtation Of Food in Plants

Food (sugars) is made in the special green cells (mesophyll cells) of the leaves, from water and carbon dioxide. Water is brought to the leaf by xylem and carbon dioxide enters through stomata.
Sugars from mesophyll cells ente the phloem cells of the leaf veins. From here the sugars may be transported by phloem forms to all other parts of the plants where these are to be utilized or stored.  Like xylem, phloem forms continuous pathway throughout the plants.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Transpiration and its Role in Conduction Of Water

From the root, water (alongwith dissolved minerals) moves up the plants through xylem tubes to stem and leaves. In some trees water has to reach a height of 100 meters or even more. How does water moves up the plants?

As a matter of fact water is pulled up through the xylem when it is evaporated from the leaves. Water first evaporates from mesophyll cells inside a leaf. Water vapors then diffuses out through tiny holes, called stomata (Singular stoma), into the air.
This loss of water by evaporation from plants is called transpiration.
Remove all the leaves of one plants leaving its stem naked. Keep leaves of the other plants intact. Cover each pot and its soil with polythene bag. It would eliminate effect of evaporation from the pots and the soil.  Place the pots on dry glass sheets which have been put on a table in a well lighted part of the room. Take two large sized glass bell-jars and wipe them dry thoroughly from inside as well as outside.
Cover both the pots with bell-jars.
You may use large, transparent polythene bags instead of bell-jars.
After sometime you will see that set up "b" starts appearing misty inside. Touch inner surface of bell-jar "b". It would be wet. These changes would not appear in

Plants Organizations

We have studied in the previous class that pollen grains are formed in the stamen. Which is the male part of the flower. the pollen grain are transferred to stigma of the carpel, the female part of the flower. the process of transfer of pollen grains is called Pollination.

You might have seen that butterflies,honey bees and moths hover over flowers and fly one flower to another.Why do they do so? actually,they collect nectar(honey) from the flower. while they visit a flower, the pollen grains stick to their bodies. When they sit on another flower,pollen grains fall on the stigma of thar flower (fig.1.1)
In this way pollination is carried out by insects. Birds and other animals also take parti in the pollination.
A pollen tube arises from the pollen gairns. It passes through the style and reaches the overy where male reproductive cell of the pollen grains fuses with the female reproductive cell of the ovule. This process is know as fertilization.
As a result of fertilization, seed is forme from the ovule and the ovary ripens into a fruit.

Dispersal of Seeds and Fruits: 
When seeds and fruits have ripened, they drop from the plant. Plants needs light, water and air to live. If all seeds drops at the same place then only a few plants would be able to germinate and grow because all of them not get